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Are jumps within a file real hypertext?
GOTO hypertext Some programs claim that jumping to various parts of a
============== file is hypertext, for example to words or locations.
However, like the GOTO command of BASIC, these forms of
hypertext tend toward spaghetti systems rather than
organized knowledge. Why?
What are the The limit for constructing GOTO hypertext systems
complexity limits is probably 300 unique files containing 1000 cross-
without network jumps. You can do that using only HyGlos and
modeling tools? your word processor. See <link13>
But, to go beyond this complexity limit, you'll need
ways to plan, represent, and abstract the connections.
For hypertext construction, my schematic tools are:
What are the tools MaxThink Outline/Idea Processor -- <link61>
for hypertext? HOUDINI System/Network Processor -- <link62>
For examples of GOTO hypertext, you might consider:
Are these ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
products │ AskSam - keyword jumps in flat files <link29 1 22> │
hypertext? │ Grand View - keyword/topic jumps in outline file │
========== │ Agenda - keyword/topic jumps in a network file │
While each of these products do serve certain visions
of computing, their claims that jumps within a file
represent hypertext reflects a misunderstanding of the
hypertext concept.
Competitors? From my vantage point:
(1) HyGlos and Hyplus outperform AskSam
(2) MaxThink outperforms Grand View
(3) Houdini outperforms Agenda
(4) TransText outperforms WordPerfect
Why? Because, unlike these mentioned competitors, I offer
==== both a coherent philosophy and a coordinated family of
software <link27> designed to easily find, represent, and
communicate significant ideas ...and leave the processing
(typically low-level thinking) to others.
==== <g JUMPS> 5 links in glossary topic
==== <g FILE> 2 links in glossary topic